Lifetime broadening free X-ray absorption spectroscopy

Speaker: Prof. Faris Gel'mukhanov (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden)

Date + Time: November 25th, 14:00-15:00

Place: UVSOR Build. #304 (UVSOR Seminar room)

X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) is one of the most powerful and versatile
techniques to investigate composition, structure and electronic structure of matter.
One of the limiting factors in XAS is the spectral resolution that is restricted by the
large natural widths of core-exited states; due to this physical constraint, the details
of the core-excited structures are often smeared out of XAS spectra. It has been
believed that this obstacle can be removed from XAS spectra when one monitors
radiative or non-radiative decay in the resonant Raman scattering condition. In this
talk, the idea of obtaining XAS spectra in a life-time broadening free regime is
discussed, particular in relation to lifetime vibrational interference.