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Beamlines List

BL1B  Terahertz Spectroscopy Using Coherent Synchrotron Radiation

  Coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) is a powerful light source in the terahertz (THz) region. This beamline has been constructed for basic studies on the properties of THz-CSR. However, it can be also used for measurements of reflectivity and transmission spectra of solids using conventional synchrotron radiation.
  The emitted THz light is collected by a three-dimensional magic mirror (3D-MM, M0) of the same type as those already successfully installed at BL43IR in SPring-8 and BL6B in UVSOR-II. The 3D-MM was installed in bending-magnet chamber #1 and is controlled by a 5-axis pulse motor stage (x, z translation; θx, θy, θz rotation). The acceptance angle was set at 17.5-34 degrees (total 288 mrad) in the horizontal direction. The vertical angle was set at ±40 mrad to collect the widely expanded THz-CSR.

  The beamline is equipped with a Martin-Puplett type interferometer (JASCO FARIS-1) to cover the THz spectral region from 4 to 240 cm-1 ( = 500 µeV-30 meV). There is a reflection/absorption spectroscopy (RAS) end-station for large samples (~ several mm). At the RAS end-station, a liquid-helium-flow type cryostat with a minimum temperature of 4 K is installed.

fig1 fig2

Fig. 1. Schematic top view of the beam extraction part of the THz-CSR beamline, BL1B. The three-dimensional magic mirror (3D-MM, M0) and a plane mirror (M1) are located in the bending-magnet chamber. A parabolic mirror (M2) is installed to form a parallel beam. The straight section (BL1U) is used for coherent harmonic generation (CHG) in the VUV region.   Fig. 2. Obtained intensity spectra with the combination of a light source (UVSOR), interferometer (FARIS-1), and detectors (Si bolometer and InSb hot-electron bolometer).







Technical Data

Interferometer Martin-Puplett (JASCO FARIS-1)
Wavenumber range
(Energy range)
4-240 cm-1
(500 μeV-30 meV)
Resolution in cm-1 0.25 cm-1
Experiments Reflection/transmission spectroscopy
Miscellaneous Users can use their experimental system in this beamline.